Sunday, July 31, 2005

it was WRONG

Leather McWhip says:
who is Shadowhawk?
Leather McWhip says:
was that Jim Valentino's Image character that no one read?
Leather McWhip says:
the superhero with AIDS
The Life and Crimes of Petey Shaftoe says:
He snapped people's spines
Leather McWhip says:
did he?
Leather McWhip says:
that's X-Treme
The Life and Crimes of Petey Shaftoe says:
Every issue was the same:
The Life and Crimes of Petey Shaftoe says:
Someone - often from another lame Image comic - would try to take him down, and they'd say "You're a criminal!"
The Life and Crimes of Petey Shaftoe says:
And he'd say "No I'm not, I'm a hero!"
The Life and Crimes of Petey Shaftoe says:
And they'd say "You break people's spines!"
The Life and Crimes of Petey Shaftoe says:
And he'd say "They deserve it!"
Leather McWhip says:
you know what's really odd
Leather McWhip says:
is I know I read a number of these comics when they first came out
Leather McWhip says:
but I could only remember the AIDS gimmick
The Life and Crimes of Petey Shaftoe says:
But the people he fought from other shitty Image comics were all dark and gritty as well
Leather McWhip says:
the spine thing, I don't recall that at all
Leather McWhip says:
so was that AFTER Bane broke Batman's back?
Leather McWhip says:
was Valentino jumping on that bandwagon?
The Life and Crimes of Petey Shaftoe says:
In the issue where he dies - the one before a new Shadowhawk is born! - he beats up Hawk's Shadow and then nearly breaks his spine, but stops because he now realises that it's WRONG to do that!
Leather McWhip says:
ha ha ha
The Life and Crimes of Petey Shaftoe says:
I think Shadowhawk was the fucking originator
Leather McWhip says:
so the whole comic
Leather McWhip says:
is about the morality of a serial spine-breaker
The Life and Crimes of Petey Shaftoe says:
Yeah, and every issue he'd sit in the dark and wonder if it was wrong
Leather McWhip says:
that's kinda insane
Leather McWhip says:
Jim Valentino has some demons maybe
The Life and Crimes of Petey Shaftoe says:
That scene... It has a monologue in caption boxes going "You place your knee on his back. You haven't broken anyone's back for some time.*"
The Life and Crimes of Petey Shaftoe says:
and the asterisk is for a footnote: [Since issue #7]
Leather McWhip says:
haha hahahahaahah
Leather McWhip says:
oh my god
The Life and Crimes of Petey Shaftoe says:
and then he stands up and it's like "In the rising, you are victorious. You realise now, it was wrong. You were wrong."
Leather McWhip says:


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